Monday, October 29, 2007

Of twists and turns in Sandal Land...


Wickets tumbling, sixes flying of the bat, fours racing to the fence, 3 Hrs of non stop entertainment... India Victorious!!!

If this is what you expected in this column sorry, I'm speaking of the political turmoil in sandal land.

Last time round, when I wrote my previous blog I was under the impression that politics was thru with all the surprises it could dish out; but that was a Big NO!!

Look at what has happened over the last month and a half or so, even you will understand this is just power politics... A few regional news channels have gone to the extent of saying this is remarriage or some such things.

The best part is all the "elected idiots" (Yes I'm bold enough to call them that) have given in writing signed that they agree to offer unconditional support first and then put 12 points condition (again signed by all) and then say we don't support (this too has been signed) well God knows whats next.

Well for all I know who knows what will happen next & who will be next CM? If and when he becomes one is he worthy of being a CM? Or worse will there be a CM?

From a Auto-wala to vegetable vendor everyone is bored and disgusted with this dirty politics going on.

The local leader of the "Saffron Army", a guy who takes instantaneous decisions & then rues them so maybe he has gone a bit too far this time to even rue. If they had not accepted the re-alliance with "Secular party" then maybe they would have got a pity vote but now its just gone down the drain.

For all I know as I'm writing this post here sitting at home, the dirty power game might have taken yet another turn & twist who knows?

If the state affairs are to be run as per the whims and fancies of a fickle minded satrap, who calls himself son-of-the-soil, is it worthy of having him around? Isn't it time we got down to the drawing board?

but just not yet!! not yet!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Poll fever in Sandal land…

In a few days, Karnataka is headed for polls… Is it necessary? Was it inevitable? Well that remains the big question. And so far most experts have been unable to take a single strong stand on their answers…

So what exactly led to it? When did it start?
A few weeks back… no absolutely wrong… it all started when it was poll time last time round. Say 18+20=38 months ago. What? So long ago? In world of politics it is a long long time ago. Sadly yes, it is very true.

Let's see how? Well last time round when there were elections… the people gave a split mandate. The Cong got 60+, BJP was the single largest party with 80+ seats & fortunately or should I say unfortunately the Kingmaker was the JD(S). Lead by the ever fluctuating ever fickle minded JD(S) top boss who likes to call himself "Son-of-the-soil" with 40 something seats.
With a hung assembly in the state, Son-of-the-soil rallied to and fro to Delhi to talk to the "High-command". Resultant a compromise and make shift marriage between Cong & JD(S) well the Cong got the CM's chair, JD(S) had to be content with whatever it got. JD(S) totally refused to talk to the other party BJP (still to see a CM of it's own in the southern states) on basis of secularism and other factors (well that is what was told & printed in papers!).

With the tenure of CM from Cong nearing its end and a transfer of power to JD(S) in the cards; what do you know? The ever loyal son of JD(S) chief betrayed his own father (or so apparently) to tie up with BJP to form a secular Govt.! My God! Start of the Twenty-20 Govt. Bitter rivalry of son and father continued for a couple of months. It was now that Son-of-the-soil realized what a genius his son was.

The saffron party was thirsty to get some hold of power in south so blindly agreed to "an agreement" between two individuals. JD(S) got what they wanted. So did BJP or did they? Well what followed is now known to everyone. Every other "Leader" rallying to some or the other temple to make offerings to god, rallying to Delhi to meet party heads & high-commands to set it right… Ok we needn't reiterate what has happened in the last few weeks… everyone knows it.

Now who is responsible becomes the next big question.All I have to say is it is us, we people.What the hell? How? How dare you? How are we responsible? It is the internal feuding between the parties, fickle minded leaders who are responsible, not us!

Now if you can calm down I will explain…
Huh… go on… blah blah blah… I'm not listening… hmm… uh hmmm… ah haa… Ok, we the general literate young future of India what is that which interests us most?

Guys/Gentlemen – which pub serves maximum happy-hours? What is Sachin's record in the calendar year… will India beat Aus/Pak? Who is the current coach of Chelsea/Man United/etc… Who is the new gal in my team? Can I hook up with her? Which is the latest version of play station? How do I impress my boss? to get promotion/onsite, so and so forth… the list never ends.

Gals/young ladies – Ah… which one's do I mention? Let me give a try… which is yuvraj/dhoni's latest ad? Who is having a crush on whom? Who broke up with whom? What will happen in the next K serials… which is the latest designer wear? Where did ur team mate in the next cubicle get her hair done? How do I get tickets for the next concert? La-Di-Da-Di-Da...

Ok now don't start to point out that I'm just pointing fingers at urban public. If we the urban public can't make a difference, how can we expect the people with lesser exposure to make a diff? Do we realize the fact the people from lesser exposure come to cities to get a lead from us urban dwellers… What an example we are setting? Well If I ask a person going on the street to list the number of parties in the constituency where he votes; trust me 90% wouldn't know half the names of parties or party representatives.

All I'm asking is how many of us, for how many seconds in a day do we think of the state of affairs in the state let alone in the country?

I feel that with our type of mental attitude we just deserve two parties. One or the other will surely come to power. We will not have so many elections, by elections. Just look at US. Most of us dream of going there well they have just two parties and surely and clearly one is the winner! Hmm maybe it would be more of an NDA v/s UPA.

But would our regional satraps survive even one season? One full term looks too far… In a culturally diverse country like ours which has been ill-bred on feeling of regionalism more compared to nationalism; religion before national harmony; the satraps like son-of-the-soil, red flag army who hold the key.

Well we are heading for combined elections this time in the land of sandal wood. Are we justified? Are we getting too much from the parties or are we expecting a bit too much? Are we not in turn taxing ourselves by giving a split mandate? Do you realize that the frequency of elections hits our financial states? More taxes, price hikes, etc... to name just a few.
Don't get me wrong here. This is not just here in sandal wood land that this is happening… well that is the plight of our country.

Well we do have the right to elect our leaders, but do we deserve it?