Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Barking dogs seldom bite....

Work for 10-12 Hrs a day & still people crib about the work we do. Sounds familiar?
Well nothing new to those working in "IT industry".

All one does is slog for all his worth and "people" come back with a feedback "you are not up to the mark". "You are not good enough to make it to the top; you should strive harder; you should put extra efforts".

Ok one ends up working longer & harder. Well They have a problem with that too... "You are spending more hours in office, you are not able to complete your work in time. You are putting in extra hours because you are not efficient".

Ok what the hell? One starts using Google to complete work faster, using others' setups, etc... finally happy about finishing work soon & have some spare time for oneself. Phew! Jussssst a minute jusst a minute... "People" can't do away without cribbing can they? Its Addictive! This time it is "You are not proactive enough at work. If you finish your alloted work you should ask for more." (Remember what happened to poor Oliver Twist when he asked for more. Huh guess these guys don't) "You need to involve yourself more in team discussions/technical discussions" (Ok how often do you hold one? prob once a month? once a quarter? You see discussion forums & meetings are a waste of precious "resource billing time")

Well well well what does one do in such a situation? How does one handle it? Hey buddy don't worry know the age old saying "Barking dogs seldom bite"? Well it is apt enough. In adversity of being bitten never panic! You know there always is a vaccine!!!