Thursday, July 5, 2007

Monsoon Ke Side Effects

Rains, I enjoy rainy season most as compared to any other time of the year. In our part of the world we call it with a special name Monsoon. This is the time of the year when schools open after a long summer vacation, people frustrated with summer heat look forward to cool off. Surely brings with it the joys & vivid memories of one's childhood.

Ok let’s touch upon the frenzy the rains bring along even before arrival. To what extent people go to make sure there is good rainfall in our part of the world? Wondering what I'm talking about? Don't worry, here are some: Yagnas, get frogs/donkeys married, animal sacrifice, fasting, so on so forth. Oh I almost forgot, well can you believe it some go to the extent of blaming the political party (rather should I say parties, that is completely different topic we shall see that another day) in power. Ah-ah my list doesn't end here, well it probably would have a couple of years back if not for the information driven world of media coverage.

After all the attention The Rain Gods get, it is time for rains!
It wouldn't have rained even an hour and the very person having done all stunts & praying, starts cursing & swearing! Surprised? Well how often do we witness this? Do we ever give it a moment's thought of why?

What have we the people got to crib against the rains? Well its not one, but many; Gutter system, Roads, Water borne diseases, Water logging, etc. Experts say solving one will solve all. They are reticular. So a unified theory of rainy problems. Sounds good. So what exactly are the problems like? Have they taken a larger than life structure? or are we blowing things out of proportions?

So how are rains & roads connected? Why am I putting down something everyone knows? The condition of Indian roads is pathetic. Even an hour's rain can have lasting effect on them. The effects can range from formation of larger potholes (yep larger potholes we shall deal this separately) to layer wise chipping of asphalt. Basically we need to know that there are very few roads in our country void of potholes. When it rains it forms water puddles. When vehicles go past them, they get damaged a little more. With time the potholes grow. What do the local civic authorities do about this? Just patch it up, forget its strength. No more potholes, Problem solved. Next time it rains, due to weak asphalting, starts chipping. New problem. Courtesy potholes & chipping of asphalt we have water logging on roads. Just another point here, whenever a new layer of good asphalting is done on any of the roads, either the Sewage Board/Telephone Dept./Electricity Board have a mandatory custom of battering the very same road. Thank you very much.

Gutter system. A very important part of any city. Provides the city with a clear outflow of surface water/rain water. But, here we can hardly find a gutter that connects two streets let alone the locality/block. The entire city being interconnected by gutter system is unheard of! People construct beautiful houses & cover up the gutter in front of their houses to use it as a small garden in front of house/parking area more often. So where does the rainwater go? on the roads. Who cares as long as it does not stagnate in front of my house gate, I'm not bothered.

No continuous flow channel available, leads to water logging. Roads & open gutters are easy targets. Roads with potholes have larger capacity than small open gutters. Due to rains the water table underground replenishes itself. But, beyond a point no more water is absorbed. Continuous water logging leads to high waters in some low-lying areas. Knee-deep water, open drains; people have lost their lives. People living in low-lying areas have to even evacuate their homes in order to save their dear lives.

Over a couple of days, the stagnated water becomes party halls for germs & breeding grounds for insects. This leads to water borne diseases. People who are obsessed with cleanliness, old folks, and children become primary targets. Diseases start to spread like wild fire. There is a breakout of diseases.

The frenzy media creates a hue & cry against the govt. local authorities. Committees & advisory teams are formed public awareness campaigns are held; all during monsoons. By now the monsoon weakens & stops. In a couple of days all the actions & plans of the govt. & local authorities are either lost or give the bureaucrats ways & means to fill their pockets. In most cases, the plans & actions to be taken never get beyond paper work. Monsoon stops, issue forgotten. So we are back to square one. The problem remains. It will raise its dark shadow the next monsoon. So till then enjoy yourself & we will have a lot of time to think what needs to be done next time round the monsoon arrives.